Case Ending

Sahehly assists you in accurately forming the ends of words without the need for extensive time or hiring an editor. Our system meticulously forms the final letter of each word, aiding readers in understanding the correct pronunciation and grammatical position of words. This not only helps readers but also enables writers to convey their message more effectively without the effort of manually forming each word. Rely on Sahehly for forming all your texts.

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Linguistic Excellence

Discover the Case Ending
Tashkeel Service

Forget the endless searches for "Shakelly" every time you need to format your words or texts. Sahehly brings this coveted service directly to you, offering the luxury of forming words just the way you prefer. Alongside a plethora of other services, Sahehly ensures you'll never need to wander the depths of search engines again for word formation. Everything you require for crafting impeccable Arabic texts is now elegantly assembled in one place, ready at your fingertips on Sahehly. Embrace the ease and precision of Case Ending Tashkeel and elevate your writing to new heights of clarity and professionalism.

How Does Case Ending
Tashkeel Work?

The Case Ending Tashkeel service aids users in recognizing the grammatical positions of words, making sentences easier to read.

Why Choose Case Ending Tashkeel
from Sahehly?

Here are the key benefits of using Sahehly's partial text formation service:



Partial text formation enhances overall text readability.



It clarifies the intended meaning, facilitating better communication between writers and readers.

Copy text

Saving Time
and Efforts

The grammatical and linguistic checker automatically and swiftly forms texts, saving the manual process's time and effort.

Copy text


The automated checker detects and corrects grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors, improving the final text's quality and reducing errors.


Faisal Al-Otaibi

Content Writer

“Discovering Sahehly was a turning point in my writing career. As a content writer, accuracy in Arabic is an integral part of my work. This site not only provides instant solutions for common mistakes but also teaches me how to continually improve my language skills. I particularly appreciate the ongoing updates and the addition of new features that make the service even more beneficial..”

Aliaa Taher


“In a world dominated by the English language, it's rare to find specialized services that enhance the quality of the Arabic language like Sahehly. My use of this website has not only helped me correct spelling errors but also deepened my understanding of the language and its niches. The service is fast and accurate, offering detailed analysis of mistakes, which makes learning continuous and exciting.”

Saud Al-Shammari


“It's wonderful to find a website like Sahehly that cares about the quality of Arabic writing and helps improve it. As an editor, I have greatly benefited from the website's services in reviewing and enhancing texts before publication. The tools available on the website are highly efficient and extremely easy to use, saving time and ensuring accuracy.”

Mohammed Youssef

University Studen

“ As a university student, I found Sahehly to be the best assistant for my academic writing. Spelling errors and diacritic problems were always a challenge for me, but thanks to this website, I have become more confident in my writing. What impressed me the most were the instant suggestions that help understand and correct mistakes, making the process educational and highly beneficial. .”

Shaimaa Khalil


“Sahehly is like a private tutor for me in the world of the Arabic language. The accuracy in correction and the ability to properly diacritize words have made it an indispensable tool for anyone aspiring to excel in their writing. It has significantly improved the quality of my research and articles. Interacting with the site provides a comprehensive educational experience, through error correction and providing guidance to avoid them in the future..”

Jasim Mishal

Arabic Translator

"During my journey searching for a tool to enhance my Arabic writing skills, I found what I needed in Sahehly. The website features a user-friendly interface that is easy to understand, making the process of text correction and word diacritization memorable. The results were accurate and immediate, which helped me learn and correct errors efficiently. I am particularly grateful for the educational section that offers detailed tips and explanations about Arabic grammar."

Abdulaziz Saleh


" I recently visited the Sahehly website and my experience was excellent by all standards. The interface is user-friendly and the design is easy on the eyes, which facilitates navigation between different sections. The content provided is high-quality and useful, and it seems that there is a significant effort made in selecting the information provided to suit visitors' needs. "

Don't spend too much time forming your texts; using Sahehly will help you form your words with the press of a button!

Start Diacritize
Frequently Asked Questions

Sahehly is a tool designed to assist with Arabic spelling and grammar checking. It offers a range of services, including accurate spelling checks, grammar corrections, full diacretization, case-ending diacretization, and mandatory formation, to ensure highly-accurate Arabic text.

“Sahehly” improves your writing by correcting spelling errors and grammatical mistakes and enhancing text formation. This ensures your Arabic content is published professionally and communicates your message effectively.

Yes, Sahehly is designed to work with all types of Arabic text, whether it's formal writing, academic papers, creative writing, or everyday communication. But it deals with Modern Standard Arabic, not colloquial language or dialects.

The language used among intellectuals, the media, and the language of journalism, newspapers and magazines.

Sahehly uses advanced algorithms and a comprehensive database of Arabic language rules to provide highly accurate spelling and grammar-checking services, based on artificial intelligence and advanced algorithms in natural language processing.

Absolutely! Sahehly is an excellent resource for students, educators, and anyone looking to improve their Arabic language skills.

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